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The Healing Ministry
For years I have hosted on my website a healing ministry where people can leave requests for healing. I am now adding a new dimension to this service so that people can organize groups of their own friends and family to support their healing. This recorded healing meditation is one an individual can tune into anytime to support their own healing. It’s also designed for a group to use on behalf of another.
If you don’t believe that such a group of untrained helpers can be effective, I encourage you to read the book The Power of Eight, by Lynne McTaggart. McTaggart is well known for a number of best-selling books reporting on the mind-bending findings of new science, especially the science of consciousness. She documents from a scientist’s perspective what I have known anecdotally for years—that any magnitude of healing can be facilitated by joined loving intention and small groups working together in love can create miracles—with those in the helping roles benefitting as much as the receivers. Though the remote healers working very anonymously through my ministry have had some great healing successes, I think the rate of healing would increase by adding a personal and in-person dimension so what I’m offering here is a simple structure and a recorded meditation for friends and family to help a loved one heal.
How to Create a Healing Group
First, find a group of willing helpers. These people don’t need to be skilled in any way. The only criteria is an open heart and a willingness to practice the healing meditation at least once a day with an open mind. Helpers don’t need to “believe” in healing; they simply need to be willing to imagine it as directed in the meditation. A group of three or more is optimal but even just one person who wants to join with the receiver is fine. Though reaching out to friends and loved ones to help this way may be out of your comfort zone, sometimes the willingness to put yourself first and ask for help is an important first step to healing.
My suggested structure is to meet in person once a day for the first week. Helpers take positions comfortably around the receiver. If the receiver is open to being touched, group members may gently lay hands on the person. Touch in and of itself can have a measurable healing effect, along with being very soothing to the receiver. Be sure everyone is comfortable as you do this so that a strained body position doesn’t detract from your focus. If the receiver would rather not be touched, you might simply aim your hands toward the person. Either way, you may notice your hands heating up or feeling other distinct sensations as the healing progresses. Listen to the recorded meditation or have someone read it aloud to guide your attention and intention. If your group is large and it’s difficult to get everyone’s schedule aligned, consider having a morning and evening group during this first week.
After this first week of everyone gathering in-person with the receiver, continue for another three weeks in whatever combination of the following best works for your group:
- Every member continues to meet in person daily
- Members who can meet in person daily and those who can’t commit to practicing the meditation daily at their own convenient time and location.
- Every member commits to practicing the meditation daily at a distance, at their own convenient time and in their own space.
- Every member commits to practice the meditation daily in their own space at the same, agreed-upon time.
Continue for a month and then decide if your group would like to continue longer and, if so, decide on the next timeframe. I suggest having some definition around this rather than letting the group do a slow fade-away, which could feel abandoning to the receiver.
I invite your comments and feedback.
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