An observation about the group
Having done so many of these Intensives over the years, I’ve noticed a unique quality to each session that often shows itself before we even begin, just by how people sign up.
Some groups don’t fill until the very last minute and these sessions invariably deal with themes of ambivalence and hesitancy before we can leap forward. They often feel like “hard work.”
Sometimes, however, I see a group where the majority of participants
sign up quickly and early, as is happening with this upcoming session. These groups tend to be the most ready to make big leaps easily and are particularly primed for miracles. This often happens for those who have already been through a phase of life that felt like “hard work.” Personally, as I read the early indications, I couldn’t be more excited about this upcoming session!
We currently have only a small number of spots remaining. If you have already been through a phase of “hard work” in your life and feel ready to start your year off with a big leap in the direction of your highest good, consider joining us!
Advance registration is required.
For questions or to receive a registration form,
contact Lynn Woodland at
POWER is a profoundly moving experience facilitated by a master teacher, and is now only offered rarely. As amazing as the experience itself, are the results that participants see afterward and the fact that, for nearly 30 years, this intensive has been offered for a self-determined fee.
Lynn Woodland’s POWER Intensive is hard to describe, even by the many people who’ve attended them over and over again. People use words like, “Most transformational experience ever,” “incredible,” “miraculous,” “life-changing”… but what really happens?
Lynn writes:
The POWER Intensive, by far my most intensive offering, provides a safe container for the journey into True Power. The process asks us to unlearn everything we thought we knew for certain, shed remnants of the past we thought we were already done with, discern our most passionate callings, and strengthen our will. It lifts us to moments of ecstatic peak life experience where healing and manifestation happen instantaneously, and sets us down again feeling less afraid of uncertainty, more trusting in the process of life. If I said I knew what would happen in each intensive, I’d be lying. It’s truly a laboratory for experimentation; a crucible for transformation with each session being as different and unpredictable as the people in attendance and the times we’re in. Those who’ve attended one POWER Intensive often come back again and again because each experience is a new adventure and cultivates a new dimension of empowerment.
This a workshop I recommend for who people who already have a sense of their own power and are ready to achieve a higher degree of mastery. When such a group of people come together, there truly is no limit to what we can create. And this is an important aspect of the POWER Intensive magic–the power of all of us together.
What are appropriate goals to bring to the POWER Intensive? No less than your highest dreams and heart’s desires. Understand, however, that stepping into True Power opens the door to dreams you never thought to dream before. You may discover things your heart has always longed for but your mind has never known how to name, and these will undoubtedly require leaving your comfort zone far behind. And now, if you’re excited, a little afraid, and ready for a big leap, you may be a candidate for the upcoming session of POWER.
Wednesday: 6 PM to approximately 12 AM
Thurs & Friday: 6:30 PM to approximately 12 AM
Saturday: 12:30 PM to approximately 12 AM
Sunday: 1 PM to approximately 9 PM
(Starting times are exact. Ending times are approximate.)
What makes this workshop so “intensive?” Is it confrontational?
The POWER Intensive is more of a laboratory than a classroom, with an emphasis on creating change now by practicing spiritual empowerment principles in the moment rather than simply learning about them. There are many instructions and exercises designed to keep us more present and aware in each moment than we usually are in life and these things are at times experienced by virtually everyone in the workshop (even the facilitator) as personally challenging. It is, however, at these points of challenge that we are best able to leave old limitations behind and access new levels of thriving. The immediacy of the process is also what gives rise to the many moments of joy, laughter, love and transformative bliss.
Lynn facilitates all this with a light touch filled with compassion and humor. She creates an atmosphere of safety and trust where everyone can begin to progress beyond fears, blind spots and unconscious self-sabotage. There is room for everyone to participate at their own pace and comfort level. The depth of the experience evolves naturally through acceptance and love with no need for shame-based, confrontational tactics that artificially induce intensity.
The format includes lectures, guided exercises, small group work and unstructured time, during which a wide range of issues are addressed. Each session is as different as the individuals in attendance and the process encourages all participants to become leaders, healers and teachers.
Payment is by self-determined fee. A $150 deposit is required to reserve your space. This deposit is nonrefundable if you do not attend or complete the workshop. At the end you will be directed to consult your inner guidance as to what is the right amount of payment for you. At that time you may add to or request back any or all of your deposit. You may pay all at once with cash, check, or credit card, or over time by giving a series of post-dated checks or via Pay Pal.
Some typical feedback from POWER Intensive participants:
My experience was everything I hoped it would be and more! I have always had amazing miracles occur during and after the workshops, but this most recent miracle experience was an instant manifestation, and very specific. I had been looking for a way to obtain a home of my own and because of a recent divorce was unable to purchase one. As I got into my vehicle with the broken muffler, and prayed she would start, I started listening to my messages. My father had called at some point while I was proclaiming my right to manifest my home. He had left a message stating that he would like to visit the twin cities and see about helping me buy a house! Whoa. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It seemed so easy and effortless to manifest. A few days later my good neighbor asked me if I knew of anyone who wanted a Subaru Outback, green with a stick shift, new stereo, and all-wheel drive. I laughed and said, yes, I would love to buy my dream car, would she take payments, of course, she said! I now drive my very reliable dream car while house hunting with my father!
…I don’t even know what to say other than wow, wow, wow… I am still reeling. But SOMETHING DEFINITELY SHIFTED DURING OUR WORKSHOP!!!!!! I would say for you to expect miracles OF ANY MAGNITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!”
OMG, everyone!!! Have I got a miracle healing story for you!! This is the most dramatic miracle I have ever manifested….
Current Location: TBD
Advance registration is required.
For questions or to receive a registration form, contact
Lynn Woodland at