The Miracles Course
The Miracles Course is a year-long program of spiritual and personal transformation aimed at living a miraculous life. It's designed to change you, improve your quality of life, and help you manifest your highest purpose.
The Miracles Course
The Miracles Course is a year-long program of spiritual and personal transformation aimed at living a miraculous life. It's designed to change you, improve your quality of life, and help you manifest your highest purpose.
The Miracles Course Summer Quarter Begins
The Miracles Course is a year-long program of spiritual and personal transformation aimed at living a miraculous life. It's designed to change you, improve your quality of life, and help you manifest your highest purpose.
The Miracles Course
ON LINE with Facebook or Gotomeetings MINNEAPOLIS, MN, United StatesThe Miracles Course is a year-long program of spiritual and personal transformation aimed at living a miraculous life. It's designed to change you, improve your quality of life, and help you manifest your highest purpose.
Join us 15 minutes early to ask your personal questions and receive individual reading from Lynn & Emily.
The Miracles Course
If you're looking for spiritual community, support, and a weekly spiritual experience please join us for Wednesday classes online! This year-long, online course, which previously has been offered in three-month…
The Miracles Course
The Miracles Course is a year-long program of spiritual and personal transformation aimed at living a miraculous life. It's designed to change you, improve your quality of life, and help you manifest your highest purpose.
Lynn’s Equinox & Solstice Events are back!
Fall Equinox Celebration Now via Zoom Tuesday, September 22, 6:30-8:30 PM Central Daylight Time RSVP to to receive Zoom link Cost: Self-determined Offering This time of year, light is waning, urging…
Attracting the Right People With Lynn Woodland on Zoom
ZoomTuesday, February 23, 6-8:30 PM Central Time (Starting time is exact, ending time is approximate. Lynn remains available for as long as needed to address participants’ questions.) Space limited Early…
Miracle-Making Support Group
ZoomMy Monthly Miracle-Making Support Group will resume Tuesday, April 4 7-9 PM Eastern Time, 4-6 PM Pacific, 6-8 PM Central And will meeting every first Tuesday on Zoom …
Miracle-Making Support Group
ZoomMy Monthly Miracle-Making Support Group Meeting every first Tuesday on Zoom 7-9 PM Eastern Time, 4-6 PM Pacific, 6-8 PM Central This is a committed group--in order to attend,…